Monday, September 8, 2008

Beans' Weekly Wrap: Week 2

(The Weekly Wrap will contain random thoughts from the week that was, and the week that will be in college football.)

The top story this week has to be East Carolina, they simply took it to West Virignia. ECU looks like a legitimate BCS-buster... Speaking of the Pirates, doesn't East Carolina QB Patrick Pickney remind you of another former ECU QB -- current Jaguars QB David Garrard?... Here's to hoping that Ohio State was just looking past Ohio on Saturday. If that same Buckeye team shows up this Saturday in Los Angeles, they're in for a long day... Miami should have let us know it was turn back the clock night so we all could have watched something else. The Canes offense looked like something out of the 1970's as they relentlessly pounded the ball in between the tackles with poor results: 37 carries, 61 yards and just 3 points... If San Diego State doesn't fumble on the 2 inch line with 10 minutes to go in the game, they would have walked out of South Bend with a win. It's sad that we've come to expect such futility from Notre Dame... Oklahoma really impressed us on Saturday, beating up on Cincinnati 52-26. Cincy scored a special teams touchdown and a touchdown as time expired, so the game wasn't even as close as the 26 point margin of victory suggests... Is Cal back? Maybe. Beating Washington State 66-3 definitely opened some eyes... Which league is worse: ACC or Big East? Pretty tough to say right now... Georgia Tech needs to learn how to hold onto the ball if they're going to be successful in Paul Johnson's offense... Don't sleep on Auburn... The officials got the call in the BYU-Washington game right. What need to be looked at are the overly strict celebration rules... Arkansas State scored 83 points... More impressively, the Big XII went 12-0 this weekend...

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