Thursday, October 30, 2008

Mister Ted's Take on this past week in NFL

How much longer until TO comes out and says he hasn't scored enough touchdowns yet this season? Over/under is at 2 weeks....The Buccaneers either forgot to watch tape on the Cowboys last week or just aren't very good. Three field goals was all they could manage on a defense that last week made Stephen Jackson look like Bo Jackson from Tecmo Super Bowl?

I could have sworn Mike Martz left the Lions for the 49ers last season, but I'm guessing he still might be calling in plays to Coach Marinelli (33 yards from their 2 RBs)…Portis ran for 126 more yards Sunday, continuing his dominance. Santana Moss stole the show though with his 80 yard punt return for a TD, after it looked like he would be tackled for a 1 yard loss.

Joey Porter leads the league in sacks with an insane 10.5 through 7 games. Amazing how much more effective he is in a 3-4 D…Buffalo lost 3 fumbles in the process of falling to the Fish; I guess it was the kiss of death I gave them last week (your welcome AFC East fans).

So much for the Rams winning streak; at least they're playing competitive football and have some life on both sides of the team (top pick Chris Long notched 2 sacks)…I don't remember the last time this has happened in a game, but the Patriots played a perfect, penalty-less game on Sunday. Is it me, or is that pretty uncommon in the game today?

Drew Brees continues to impress me each week. To me, he is Steve Nash in pads. Both players left their original teams to play somewhere else, they spread the ball around to everyone, they see things develop before everyone else, and are just flat out fun to watch.

Pretty ironic that the most exciting game the Jets played was on Sunday against former coach Herm Edwards. Three Jets turnovers apparently was not enough for the Chiefs to win, but two things are for sure. One, Leon Washington needs the rock more, and two, the Jets are playing not to lose, which won't account for many wins in this league.

Brian Westbrook's return to the lineup was too much for a young Falcons team to overcome; as long as he is healthy the Eagles have a shot at the playoffs…the Ryan/White connection is reminding me a lot of the Manning/Harrison connection earlier in their careers. Ryan might not have the potential that Peyton has, but Roddy White's ceiling is as high as Marvin's.

Good to see Anquan Boldin back to catching touchdowns after that vicious hit he took in New York. If only the Cardinals secondary could have covered and tackled Steve Smith, they might have come out with a win (side-note: Boldin also led the Cardinals in rushing with 30 yards).

192 yards on the ground for Baltimore set the tone against the Raiders. I'm sure Al Davis is still convinced that this is all somehow Lane Kiffin's fault. What a joke this franchise has become.

Someone please take the 2008 Cincinnati Bengals out back and put a bullet in them…just put them out of their misery already.

Good news: Matt Jones doesn't snort cocaine anymore, but I was convinced on Sunday he snorted more than enough smelling salt on the sidelines; he finally came to play on a Sunday. Bad news: the rest of the Jaguars looked like they stayed up all night blowing lines off their playbooks. Not looking good for the Jaguars this season…

The Giants defense exposed a major flaw in the Steelers offense: the offensive line. Pressure Roethlisburger and watch the dividends pay off. Aside from the two touchdowns the Steelers had, the offense looked like nothing special. The GMen proved that they can still play with anyone in the league.

Congratulations to Coach Singletary for guaranteeing himself a spot on ESPN for the rest of his life after he went nuts on Vernon Davis. Good tirade, but definitely not the best. Ditka easily takes that one down, followed closely by Dennis Green's "They are who we thought they were" explosion. Of course you can never rule out Herm's infamous "You play to win the game" speech.

The Titans keep winning, and Peyton Manning continues to grimace at the very thought of his team not only bowing down to a new division winner but also not even making the playoffs at all. What a world we live in where a Kerry Collins led team is undefeated. I've got nothing but respect for him and what Jeff Fisher continues to do in Hicksville, USA.

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