Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Big Willy Style's week 5 recap

  • So it appears I was wrong about the Redskins, they've suddenly won 4 in a row including 2 straight divisional road games, a near impossible task in any division, especially the NFC east this season. I certainly did not see this coming after watching them in week 1 in the swamps of north jersey
  • Speaking of the G-men, they scored 44 points against a solid defense without Plaxico Burress. Yes it was extremely impressive, but the theory that they can be successful without him is insane, they are going to need him healthy and happy to emulate the success of last season (starting to break out in a cold sweat at that thought).
  • Thank you to Ronnie Brown and the Miami Dolphins for running this new wildcat offense. They have absolutely flabbergasted the two participants in the AFC championship game last year with it, and maybe it could spark a light bulb in coaches heads around the league.
  • For the first time in my gambling career I marked off a game as a loss only to learn about an hour later that I in fact won that bet. I'll give you one guess which game that was. Sorry Dean.
  • What a huge win for Matt Ryan's Atlanta Falcons. Always big to get a road win with a rookie QB against a better team to build serious confidence. Now if it can just carry over next week at home against da bears.
  • Speaking of them, they absolutely drubbed Detroit this week. It's possible the two worst teams in NFL history (rams and lions) are in the league this season. Now if we could only get them to play each other.
  • A questionable roughing the passer call on the Ravens sparked a late Kerry Collins drive for the winning touchdown. If you havent believed in the Titans yet, just know that Kerry freakin Collins orchestrated a game winning TD drive on the road, against his super bowl 34 tormentor with the Giants, the Baltimore Ravens. Thanks for saving that good game against them 8 years later chief.
  • Denver's defense, not offense actually was the reason for their victory against Tampa Bay. Then again it was against a miserable passing offense, but whatever works.
  • If J.T. O'Sullivan (what a great name) cuts down on his mistakes, he can be a real good QB in this league. They had the Pats on the ropes but too many dumb INT's cost them dearly.
  • The Bengals might be the most competitive 0-5 team in NFL history. Give them credit for coming back after falling behind 17 points early on the road. It may be too late for them but they are going to give their opponents fits down the road.
  • Once Trent Edwards went down it was all over for the Bills in Arizona. Their stout defense was obliterated by the Cardinals who have as good an offense as anybody, and got a big bounceback win.
  • An absolutely enormous come from behind win for the Steelers on Sunday night. They are going to need those victories as it has been statistically determined that they have the most difficult schedule the NFL has seen in 25 years. And they are 4-1.
  • What a wacky game on Monday night. A blocked FG for a TD, two punt returns by Reggie Bush in the 2nd half, and Gus Frerotte leading a game winning drive in the 4th quarter (did I just say that?).

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